Wellness is the pursuit of the best health possible through healthy body, balanced mind and calm spirit. Whoa! I hear you exclaim, that is a fairly tall order. Lets break it down into more manageable bits. I will change the order a bit here too. Firstly, I believe that until we can reduce the stress in our lives and find something which functions as a pressure release for us we are not able to concentrate on the other things as it becomes too overwhelming and another list of stuff we can not quite find time to reach.

Pressure factor

So lets look at pressure. Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. Stress is the body’s way of reacting to any type of demand. Now we will need to understand there is great stress in addition to bad. Our bodies respond by releasing chemicals into the bloodstream when there’s a new demand on it. These chemicals either give us more energy and power, which is a great thing if the stress results from physical threat, or a bad thing, if the strain is in reaction to something psychological and there’s absolutely no outlet for this additional energy and strength.

So basically great stress is when we have a demand on our body produces the compounds to help us cope with this demand. A poor stress is when we perceive a need and the compounds are discharged, but we don’t have any method of working with these chemicals and thus they build up in our system.


An example of lousy stress is worrying. We think something bad ‘might’ occur and our body releases chemicals to help us cope with the real situation, but it has not ‘really’ happened, we’ve just imagined it might occur, and so there’s nowhere for these compounds to proceed and so our body becomes stressed. Some common stresses today are survival anxiety, internal stress, environmental stress & work stress. To read more about these visit link at end of post. People under considerable amounts of stress can get tired, ill, and unable to concentrate or think clearly.

Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns. We will need to find ways to release this stress. Some common stresses now are survival anxiety, internal stress, environmental stress & work stress. To me this goes hand in hand with number one. If we reduce our anxiety, we automatically enhance our immune reaction. However, there are additional things we could do, beginning with what we consume. What you feed your body will determine how healthy it finally is.

Let’s see…

How often have we been told to steer clear of processed or fast food since they don’t supply the nutrients your body requires, however in today’s society hoping to do that can increase our stress and conquer the good we want to do. So instead, start looking for nutritional and healthy fast foods, you will find more and more available today. Look towards fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. These foods are high in antioxidants and vitamins your immune system requirements.

There are now lots of very tasty foods which are still great for you. We need adequate sleep, it’s during sleep that our body repairs itself and also our immune response increases. If you’re experiencing trouble sleeping attempt some aromatherapy or any soothing music, there are also a great deal of great programs around to help people with insomnia, check one of them out! The last one for this section is exercise. The key to exercise is find something you like and do that, do not keep slogging out in the gym if you hate it.

Self doubt

Decrease feeling of depression and self doubt. I want to add here that in the event you have depression do not mess about with it, go and see your physician. Most frequently depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in our brain and might require medication to help bring it back to equilibrium. For most people they just have to take the medicine for 6 weeks, a bit like jump starting a battery.

For others it can be a longer term solution, a bit like when the started motor moves. The main thing is do not rely on getting yourself out of it, if you could you would not be in this state. Self doubt, this may be a huge one. CBT is a wonderful tool for managing self doubt. CBT stands for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I believe this is something which needs to be taught in schools or at the very least we ought to teach it to our children. To discover more about CBT Google complimentary CBT training and you’ll find available programs. Increase self esteem, self worth, confidence and confidence. As we reduce depression & self doubt we also increase self worth and confidence.

What’s self Esteem?

Your self-esteem is how you look at yourself. If you’ve got good self-esteem it means that you enjoy yourself and you think that you’re as’OK’ as everybody else. Basically you will need to make friends on your own, consider the things you say to yourself, could you say that to one of your friends? Then you will need to challenge any negative or limiting beliefs, research them, talk to other people, see what’s really true & what are in fact illogical beliefs. Optimism is about deciding to see the glass half full rather than half empty. It’s just as much a habit as anything else.


This is another big one, help overlook your emotional and physical pain. A great deal easier to say than to do! Unfortunately pain can be all consuming. The way I’ve found to manage this is to find something healing to completely immerse myself in. I find that immersing myself in character and doing photography completely absorbs me and takes my mind off the pain. We will need to face our pain and do what we can to take care of it, both emotionally and physically but after we’ve done what do we do. Studies have discovered that nature has a terrific healing effect.

Being outside in nature for only 20 minutes a day is sufficient to significantly boost energy amounts, according to new University of Rochester psychology study. Richard Ryan, lead author and a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. I do have a few cups a day, I use this opportunity to really look at a picture of nature and let it work it’s magic. I have a range of pictures that I call “Healing Art” Photography. You may click on the hyperlinks to find these but if you sign up for my newsletter by simply clicking on the link in the signature box and then proceed to Newsletter, put subscribe in subject line.

Final note

Increase sense of equilibrium and over all well being. Guess what you should already be there! If we put into place another five this will obviously come about, but we have to be vigilant as it’s easy for us to slip back into old habits and find ourselves unwell and out of balance again. One of the terrific tools I have learnt along the way is time management. It’s just as we manage our time effectively that we can place all these things set up. Remember if you do not care for yourself, you will not have anything to give to others.