I’m concerned about the fact that a lot of the younger generation have been left out of this loop, so to speak. It’s been years since we first begun to admit the fact that we aren’t getting the vital nutrients that our body requires. Despite the fact that a lot of us are very aware of the need for improved nutrition, it’s been pushed to the background, over shadowed by other information, or the younger generation hasn’t been informed as when this understanding first came into light.

Let’s understand it

One other difficulty is the fact that we will need to get into a habit – a routine of taking antioxidants or supplements daily. We do not place enough emphasis on it to be certain we do supplement our diets. It looks like the government is looking out for our well being when we examine the side of a vitamin jar and it provides us the RDA (recommended daily allowance). Therein lies the key, the word advocated. You see, they can’t possibly include every age, size, and sex, therefore they place the minimum that would be a’good start’ for most everyone.

But, it’s just that – minimum, sometimes quite minimal. Women, for instance, need more calcium/magnesium following menopause. Some people are larger and some people have more health issues. Some people have a compromised immune system or a specific illness. Older people have a problem with digestion and dental issues. It follows that the RDA might not be adequate for you. AND, oftentimes it’s not enough for the average Joe Blow; unless they’re natural or it has the needed veggies and fruits and occasionally higher proportions of specific ones.


As though that wasn’t enough of a concern, add to this the fact that (I’d venture) many of us don’t eat correctly enough to supply exactly what vitamins/minerals we especially need. We’ve got our own set of discerning tastes. Junior does not like spinach. Susie hates tomatoes. We eat fast foods often, eat snacks or don’t cook as correctly as we ought to at home. Add to that situation the fact that a few of the foods that are good for us are simply too expensive to include from daily. In speaking of cooking at home, do you know that a vegetable or a fruit loses an average of 10 percent of its value whenever something is done to it.

Take note

How many of these things happened to our food once we lived on the farm?

  • It’s picked or harvested before it is fully ripe, leaving the vitamins/minerals.
  • It’s packed and waits to be sent.
  • It’s shipped by truck, rail, train or ship (we get a number of our foods from abroad ).
  • Before and after dispatch they are kept in a refrigerator.
  • They sit in the backroom of the supermarket.
  • They sit on the shelf at the supermarket.
  • You bring it home and store it in the fridge again.
  • You fix it to consume, like peeling and boiling.
  • It’s often cooked and lots of times with too high of a fever.
  • After the meal you will refrigerate and re-warm it for another meal. 100% lost. Not much left.

Keep in mind

Just to elaborate, have you ever seen broccoli on the shop shelves as bright green coated with a coat of red? That’s the vitamins and after it sits for a few day, the red disappears and the yellow shows up and the green gets lighter, meaning that the vitamins/minerals are being dropped. To add insult to injury, that’s not the only reason we’re endangering our immune system.

  • The atmosphere has pollution.
  • The water has pollution.
  • We do not get the rest/sleep that we require.
  • Stress adds greatly to this film.

My husband and I farmed for many years and we all know of those pesticides and germicides that are placed on the plants or the floor and leach into the ground and remain there for ages. Then we added more annually. Not just that, but they also make their way to the water supply. If you’re thinking that you’re healthy enough simply because you are feeling healthy and have not been seriously ill as yet, allow me to add this important bit of advice.

Because, your body is being bombarded DIALY by poisonous air, food and water, it’s adding up on your body. You won’t ever feel the consequences until years afterwards. All of a sudden you discover that you have some serious illness and wonder why you have ill. You didn’t become ill, suddenly. It has been building up in your system for ages.

Good to know

The only way to counteract the toxins that are added to your own body daily is to be certain you insulate with additional vitamins/minerals and notably antioxidants. Antioxidants are what fights to your immune system against all the free radicals. You cannot avoid them. People shouldn’t be misled into thinking they are maintaining their immune system up to par, because they THINK they’re eating correctly enough or even believe the RDA is adequate. Sometimes an immune system has been compromised and you realize that you have a health condition.

Despite the fact that it may be possible to have it reversed, is not it better to stay ahead of the game? If your immune system is up to par, you might even have the ability to maintain flues and colds at bay by supporting your immune system using a greater proportion of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. I wish to bring one final thing to your attention. While a few of the artificial vitamins/minerals are equally like a natural one, there are many instances it is not correct. First, when you take more of the artificial vitamins, you run the risk of taking in a lot of impurities.

Natural supplements

These can be taken at a higher dose with no side effects, because you’re only taking in what you normally want while eating, but at a supplemental form. It is not a medication. It’s FOOD in supplemental form. It’s possible to take less of a natural supplement to get more of your requirements then you can if you added platefuls of broccoli or glasses of orange juice. This actually would, most likely, be hopeless. Natural supplements don’t have any side effects. Natural nutritional supplements improve your immune system. Why take chances with your health or your family’s health? You care for your car better than you do your own body. You wash it, wax it, change oil, give it the best gas and change the tires frequently. Why? So it is going to last longer and look better. This is also true of your body. Wouldn’t you agree that caring for your body is really more significant then, taking care of your vehicle?