Ideally we’re fueling our bodies with food that is wholesome, moving our bodies with regular exercise and getting the constant sleep we will need to feel rested, alert and concentrated to reduce our symptoms of ADD. If you could concentrate on one key strategy to make the largest difference in experiencing relief of your symptoms of ADD, which is it?

Let’s start

Trying to address or alter all three of them at exactly the exact same time is a strategy fraught with more possibility of failure than success. So where to begin? Up until lately, when attempting to put one as a priority over the others, I am not sure I could choose. Each has its advantages and important part in managing your symptoms of ADD, but there’s one which appears to be coming from a clear winner.

So if you’re wondering “Where to begin?” To minimize your symptoms of ADD and get the most bang for your effort, I will officially go on the record (and possibly out on a limb) and state that getting sufficient, consistent sleep is your priority. Sleep is more important than food. That’s if the science I read is true.

Nutritional factor

It’s a fact that a well-balanced diet full of protein will benefit our general energy and supply the longest lasting fuel supply for our busy lifestyles and brains with ADHD. However, someone can go without food for several days and endure. Within a day of having a poor night’s sleep, we begin to experience nausea, difficulty concentrating, less patience, diminished accuracy on tests, impaired judgment, memory difficulties and a lowering in the functioning of our immune system to name only a few.

Go without sleep for ten days, and you’re likely to die. I’m convinced that if sleep weren’t vital to our general well-being we’d have evolved from it ages ago. It’s tough to eat healthy when we’re sleep deprived. When we are tired, our intention or decision to eat healthy is shaky at best. Simply put we do not have the capability to shop, plan and prepare healthy foods. Add to this the spontaneous symptoms of ADD about food options and our very best intentions for healthier eating never make it through the kitchen door.

Good to know

In fact we may even gain weight and feel hungrier as our tired mind seeks out simple to find sugary and carb-filled food since they’re metabolized the quickest and will satisfy our exhausted brain. Sleep is when our physical body our immune and hormonal systems are restored. Without sleep, our body can’t mend itself. Wounds won’t cure, muscles worn by exercise cannot repair, key neurotransmitters essential to our well-being and optimum brain functioning can’t be replenished.

The truth is ADHD medications aren’t as successful when poor sleep is involved because the unrested brain hasn’t had a opportunity to revive its neurochemical balance. Our ability to resist infections and ward off diseases is significantly diminished. Ever try to head out to the gym with a head cold? There’s also evidence that sleep deprivation will negatively affect our digestion and increase our stress hormones.


Lack of sleep dumbs you down. Sleep plays a crucial role in thinking, memory and learning. Consistent, adequate sleep is vital to having the ability to perform at our best academically or for that matter any activity which needs memory and accuracy. Bluntly, lack of sleep interferes with focus, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. This makes it more challenging to learn efficiently.

Without sleep our memories can not be consolidated and you can not recall what you heard or experienced throughout the day. Just imagine trying to do well on a test or that report to your boss once your mind was not able to fully absorb the data in the day before and your thinking is fuzzy. You are not as likely to feel like exercising when you’re tired. Admittedly, exercise and sleep are intricately entwined. Research has proven that when we exercise we sleep better. However, once we do not sleep we are unable to use or create serotonin for our mind.

Final note

Without enough of the neurotransmitter, we may experience depression or anxiety or both. Neither of these frequent co-existing conditions with ADD are extremely motivating when it’s required to place one foot before another and head out the door for a brisk walk. Turn off display electronics at least one hour before you intend to go to bed. Develop a bed time routine which helps your body and mind prepare to close down for the day. This may include bathing, changing into pajamas or studying. Create the best sleep conditions on your own. Cool rooms and warm blankets are more conducive to sleep. Keep the room dark and think about adding white noise in the background in case your mind tends not to want to close off. Focus on physical distractions which may interfere with sleep like uncomfortable mattresses, scratchy sheets or tight fitting sleep wear.