The immune system is the body’s fortress, and works overtime to shield your body in the several viruses that people unwittingly encounter daily. In this guide, we’ll discuss many remedies used to stop disease and disease, plus how brain entrainment may be utilised as an immune system boost. Firstly, what are the causes of a weak immune system?

Take into account

There are many aspects to take under account, but a number of the most frequent causes are stress, anxiety, depression, genetic disposition, a poor diet and environmental pollutants. By strengthening your immune system, you may become less prone to illness, feel more energised and sleep a great deal better. As a subsequent effect of a healthy body, your brain will become sharper and more positive in its outlook.

Bio-flavenoids are found in fruits and vegetables, and help the body in the defense against environmental pollutants. Zinc increases the amount of white blood cells in the body. 15-25 mg per day is adequate; any greater than 75 mg can actually inhibit the function of your immune system. If you are not taking supplements, zinc are found in fish, poultry, turkey, and legumes. Oily fish like tuna, salmon and mackerel contain Omega-3, and behave as immunity boosters by catalysing the action of phagocytes, the white blood cells that destroy bacteria.

Garlic, a member of the onion family, is extremely good in increasing the effectiveness of anti-body production. It’s interesting to remember that cultures with a garlic-rich diet have a lower rate of cancer. Once a sensible diet is established and strictly adhered to, it will become possible to further enhance the efficiency of your immune system through the use of artificially induced brainwaves.


Scientific studies reveal that delta brainwaves assist in the discharge of hormones and neurotransmitters to the body. These reduce tension and anxiety, two of the chief causes of a feeble resistance. Delta waves are associated with deep sleep; the grade of which is a vital factor towards a strong immune system. Using delta brain entrainment should happen either before or during sleep. Quality, rather than quantity of sleep is vital, and a 20-30 minute session of delta-brainwave stimulation provides an effective way of achieving this. A healthy diet combined with quality sleep and the induction of delta brainwaves gives an effective defence against disease. In addition to improving physical health, this treatment also has deep psychological advantages.