The Ayurvedic approach is that the body is kept in balance and the immune system at peak efficiency so that infections and various inflammations rarely manifest. If there’s a lapse in equilibrium, then reevaluate and specific herbal remedies may be required to bring the body back to health. To remain healthy, the five basic elements of the Universe (Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether) need to stay balanced and in harmony in the body.


Most illnesses arise due to the imbalance of any two or one of the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), which contributes to malfunction of the inner organs. Although Ayurveda admits that germs spread infective diseases, the treatment is based on the system of Tridoshas. Ayurveda doesn’t’kill’ a disease like antibiotics do but rather it strengthens the body’s immune system to fight disease or infection. An ounce of prevention is the Ayurvedic physicians’ mantra. The causative factors that enable the bacteria to grow must be eliminated.

Looking at the diet, exercise and stress levels. Stress depresses our immune systems almost over night. Changing our own life styles, opting for the ideal diet and taking assistance from an Ayurvedic regime helps to encourage and maintain a healthy immune system.


Ayurveda suggests internal therapy. An anti-pitta diet is advised. Avoiding excessive use of coffee and tea, avoiding oily and spicy food, stopping alcohol consumption, etc., are an important part of this therapy. Plenty of salads, sprouts, juice out of sour leaves (e.g. neem juice) and a few astringents are advised. Applying herbal packs externally assists in dissolving local disease or purging it out. Important Ayurvedic herbs recommended in this therapy are manjistha (rubia cordifolium), katuka (picrorrhiza kurroa), neem (azadiracta indica) haridra (curcuma longa, popularly called turmeric), daruharidra (berberis spp., popularly called barberry), etc.. ) Most of them are bitter in flavor.

Kumara (aloe Vera) in the kind of medicinal wine (asava) is a fantastic medicine which assists in improving liver function and so in detoxification. All of these are Ayurvedic blood purifiers and help to set a pitta balance within the body. Ghee (clarified butter) can be used internally as well as externally. KEYS TO KEEPING TO BUGS AT BAY!

What to do?

Exercise, walk, do anything, as long as you get moving and stretching. Eat healthily and take a few supplements to boost your immune system. Stay away from alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs. Rest and relax. Learn How to meditate! Despite all our best efforts, life only occasionally lets us down and we get sick. Sooner or later you will opt to see the physician. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If your doctor diagnoses you with an upper respiratory infection, sore throat (where the strep test is negative), bronchitis, sinusitis, or ear infection, and you wonder if you actually need an antibiotic, ask whether you’re able to treat your condition symptomatically and return or call in a few days if you’re not better.

Take a look at your own lifestyle. Are you getting sick every month or two? Are you currently taking antibiotic and now have a fungal or yeast infection? Researchers agree that a parasite causes most chronic sinus infections. So if you’re taking antibiotics stop and proceed on an antifungal diet instead. Remember, if you must take antibiotics, take the entire course. Do no hesitate to stop just because you feel better. Remember those super bugs! If you have an understanding physician, ask if you’re able to take an antifungal medicine with your antibiotics. Nystatin is an exceptional option. Beware of constipation.


Antibiotics kill off your favorable, intestinal bacteria; after you cease taking antibiotics you will run a greater risk of infection by other, more hostile bacteria. These bacteria will be fast to discover and exploit pockets of debris that may be collecting and putrefying in your intestines if you happen to become constipated. So, be certain to keep your digestive tract as clear as possible until you are able to repopulate it with friendly bacteria.

Psyllium hulls fiber from the neighborhood health food store is the best, bulk fiber to use, so long as you do not have a history of intestinal obstruction. Remember to replace the good bacteria in your intestines. Supplement using an acidophilus supplement for at least six weeks after any course of antibiotics. Do not take these concurrently with your antibiotic, or else you find yourself getting a lot of quite dead, albeit still friendly bacteria in your intestines. Sugar is the worst enemy. I could write another whole post on this topic! But it should come as no surprise that amounts of sugar will fortify fungus and bacteria that are bad and destroy your immune system. Binge and you’ll surely get sick. Including enormous amounts of orange juice, which contain a great deal of sugar!