Vitality is described as a condition of being active and strong; having energy. Aren’t we all looking to feel a bit more energy in our lives? You may consider lifestyle choices you can make to feel more vital – consistent exercise, getting enough sleep and handling stress. In addition to creating a wholesome lifestyle, a healthy diet can have a significant effect on promoting vitality!

Energy Boosters

  • Almonds. Almonds are a healthy source of several nutrients such as biotin a nutrient required to convert food to energy. In addition almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E an antioxidant which protects cells from the body from oxidative damage. Almonds can lower LDL cholesterol and improve blood lipid levels reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. Adding almonds. Snack on a 1 ounce. Serving of almonds or scatter slivered or chopped almonds on cereal, salad or a combined hot dish for extra crunch. Use almond butter to taste a smoothie or a topping for fresh fruit or veggies. And ground almonds can be utilised as a substitute for bread crumbs or almond flour used in baking.
  • Chia Seeds. Chia seeds are a terrific source of fiber along with magnesium and phosphorus. Magnesium is important for over 300 chemical reactions within the body! Those reactions include muscle and nerve function and encouraging a healthy immune system. Phosphorus is important in the body’s utilization of fats and carbohydrates as well as for repair of body tissue. Chia seeds also are among the fantastic plant sources of omega-3 fats important for reducing inflammation in the body and promoting a healthy heart. Adding chia seeds. Chia seeds add crunch to salads, cereal or yogurt. They may be blended in with salad dressings or added to baked goods or smoothies. In baking you can replace 1 egg with 1 tbsp chia seeds and 3 tablespoons water.
  • Walnuts. Walnuts are another great source of omega-3 fats wonderful for heart health. Additionally walnuts are high in aluminum and manganese. Copper is essential for brain health in addition to maintenance of healthy skin. Manganese plays a role in healthy metabolism in addition to helps the body form bones and connective tissues. Walnuts are believed to protect against heart disease in addition to breast and prostate cancer. Adding walnuts. Ground walnuts can be utilised as a thickener in soups or drops or as breading for fish or poultry. Consider sprinkling chopped peppers on your cereal or salad or substitute other nuts you maybe use more frequently in recipes with walnuts.
  • Pumpkin Seeds. Pumpkin seeds are a fantastic source of protein in addition to being rich in zinc, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus. Zinc supports the immune system and is important in cell division and cell growth. Pumpkin seeds are anti inflammatory and act as an antioxidant protecting against cellular damage. Adding pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds blend well with other fall vegetables like sprinkled on skillet. Top your oatmeal or yogurt with pumpkin seeds for additional crunch on your snack or breakfast. Pumpkin seed butter can be spread on toast, celery or an apple. Roasting pumpkin seeds tossed with honey and cinnamon or cumin and paprika creates a tasty and nutritious snack.
  • Olive oil. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, beneficial for raising HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol generating protection against cardiovascular disease. Adding oils. Olive oil works nicely chilly – in salads, tossed with pasta or as a dip for bread. Look for virgin olive oil in the shop. Oils do not last forever in your cabinet. Be certain you shut your bottle immediately after having to avoid exposure to oxgen that will promote rancidity. Moreover, purchasing smaller bottles can enable you to maintain the freshest olive oil to your very best health.
  • Greek yogurt. Along with being a fantastic source of calcium, Greek yogurt is also a fantastic source of vitamin B12 and iodine. Calcium is obviously important for bone health and vitamin B12 works with other B vitamins to help make red blood cells allowing for oxygen transfer to cells. And the nutritious probiotics in good excellent yogurt is important for digestive health. Adding Greek yogurt. Replace some or all the mayonnaise or sour cream when cooking. Use Greek yogurt as a marinade for chicken or fish with fresh herbs. Snack on Greek yogurt topped with fresh fruit and nuts. Mix with lemon juice and dill for a delicious vegetable dip. Look for Greek yogurt with no artificial sweeteners and compare to discover a brand with lower sugar content. Check the dates and always consume yogurt with a date at least two weeks later on – to get the most from the wholesome bacteria.
  • Raw sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is a superb source of fiber along with vitamins A, B, C and K. The nutritious probiotics in fermented foods like sauerkraut will help to support a healthy immune system in addition to improving digestive health. Adding sauerkraut.