Men that are watching out for the best penis maintenance clinics should not only stop with the manhood – they have to look at overall health also. A man’s overall health can greatly impact his penis health, and vice versa. Therefore, certain nutrients are a must not just for ingestion, but for topical application, too.

What is vitamin D?

Many have heard of vitamin D as a requirement for good health. Many foods and beverages – especially milk – are fortified with vitamin D. Other foods contain it obviously, such as salmon, cod liver oil and even portabella mushrooms. Most vitamin D is produced by the body, however, as a response to sunlight. That’s why at least a couple of minutes outside daily can help a person feel better in many ways, thanks to more than enough vitamin D coursing through his system.

Vitamin D is terrific for keeping bones strong and healthy. It helps improve cellular function throughout the body, boosts the immune system and lifts a person’s mood. In reality, sometimes those who suffer from depression during the darker months of the year may benefit greatly from a supplemental dose of vitamin D to bring their levels back to normal.

Bon à savoir

A blood test can help determine whether there are high enough levels of vitamin D in an individual’s body. If not, a collection of supplements may bring levels back to a healthy volume. What does it do for penis health? That’s what vitamin D can perform if ingested, but what does it perform when applied topically? Any manhood heath crème worth its salt will include vitamin D, which is then applied directly to the penis skin. The benefits of this include enabling the vitamin D to soak into the skin, thus increasing the advantages.

Prenez note

  • Libido. Vitamin D and testosterone levels often go hand-in hand. When one is low, the other probably is, too. That’s because vitamin D is integral in the production of testosterone, which is vital for sexual drive and all kinds of other sexual acts, like getting an erection.
  • Sperm production. Sperm counts are tied to the quantity of vitamin D within the body; a healthy amount means a healthy sperm count. This may also have something to do with the testosterone-vitamin D link.
  • Sperm quality. A good deal of sperm does not mean much if it is not the high-quality sperm required to impregnate a spouse. Sperm quality is always encouraged by getting all of the appropriate vitamins, so it is reasonable that vitamin D, applied topically and consumed orally, can help ensure those little swimmers are in great shape.
  • Genetic information. As the sperm forms, genetic information is encoded. That’s then carried to the egg, where it becomes half of what will eventually become the offspring. Vitamin D can help ensure that genetic information is smooth, there are fewer chances for genetic problems, which only the best sperm reach the egg.


Those looking after their general health, in addition to their penis health, can do so by ensuring that they get the ideal mix of nutrients. Including vitamin D and several of the other vitamins, enzymes and amino acids within a top-notch penis health crème. In addition to the wonders of the vitamin D “miracle,” men may also enjoy vitamin A for odor control, alphia lipoic acid to fight against free radicals that threaten to harm penis skin, vitamin C for better blood circulation, L carnitine for improved sensation and needless to say, vitamin E and Shea butter for ideal hydration.