This expression refers to the process of building up. Steroids are called anabolic since they build up your muscles. It’s true that today’s bodybuilding arena is affected by the use of anabolic steroids. The trend has become more and more evident through the years. The use and misuse has become so wide spread that we can’t afford to dismiss the topic.


Whether you feel strongly for or against the use of steroids is your own choice. However before making any decision it is your responsibility to fully educate yourself with the facts. Here’s an analogy. A parent may not feel comfortable talking to their children about sex for the first time but they can not continue to avoid the topic. Simply because a parent speaks to their kids about sex does not mean that they need them to go out and have sex.

Instead they’re hoping that with the appropriate information they’ll have the ability to make an educated choice. Until you are able to put yourself in somebody else’s position it’s difficult to understand why they make the decisions that they do. For instance, if you’re pro athlete and you have the chance to expand your career, or compete for a starting place maybe you might be more likely to take into account the alternative. You may call this an unfair advantage or cheating but where do we draw the line.

Le saviez-vous ?

People who use bodybuilding supplements have an unfair advantage over those who chose not to use them. Does that mean that they are cheating too? It’s a really grey area and there does not appear to be a straightforward wrong or right answers to several of the questions we ask ourselves. In some countries it’s legal to take steroids. Does that mean it is ethically okay to use steroids in certain states and not others? One could argue yes to this question.

In the United States Steroids are prohibited so that it would be wrong to take them . The discussion could go on and on and I’m sure it will for several years to come. One thing you can do is educate yourself about the probable risks of steroid use. Most of the benefits are generally known so this guide will go over the other side of this coin. When prescribed and used properly, steroids can be quite beneficial for lots of men and women. Steroids are often used to control asthma or to enhance the health of individuals with autoimmune disorders.

When used without the supervision of a doctor, steroids can be extremely dangerous chemicals that cause many physical and mental health issues. Understanding the risks involved in using steroids can help in determining whether or not to proceed with this dangerous habit. There are two significant kinds of steroids which may be taken by men and women seeking to increase their muscle mass and increase their athletic performance.

Anabolic steroids

These are synthetic hormones that are extremely near the real hormones made by the body. The most effective one is testosterone. Additionally, there are steroidal supplements which contain DHEA and androstenedione. These steroids and nutritional supplements have become popular since they can help increase muscle mass by changing the body how natural testosterone affects the entire body. Steroids can cause serious or mild side effects. Some of the minor effects associated with steroid use are often problems that could happen without the use of steroids and are related to abnormal hormone levels.

These minor side effects may include an increase in body or facial acne, hair loss, irritability, and nausea. Steroid and supplement use may also cause very serious side effects which could be detrimental in the short term and might even cause long-term side effects. Some of those side effects which can affect both men and women when taking steroids can be related to various systems of the body.

Hormonal issues

Some hormonal issues that may happen include premature balding and stunting of growth. Using steroids can cause cardiac problems like rapid heartbeat and hypertension that causes irreversible damage to the body’s blood vessels. The urinary system may also be affected by compounds and difficulty urinating can be a result. The chance of developing heart disease, strokes, and some kinds of cancer can also be increased when steroids are used when not required to handle medical problems.

Digestive problems such as nausea and vomiting can begin when the body is exposed to using steroids or supplements. Other medical issues that could result from using steroids are insomnia, trembling, achy joints, a greater chance of injury to muscles and tendons, liver damage, and skin jaundice. Some of the most startling problems related to the use of steroids are the emotional issues that are created. Steroid use can lead to paranoia, seeing things that don’t exist, intense mood swings, anger, and depression.


Additionally, there are gender-specific side effects of using steroids or supplements. Men may experience painful urination, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, sterility, and the growth of breasts and other feminine traits. Women may also experience side effects from using supplements and steroids. These side effects include changes in the menstrual cycle, shrinking of their breasts, deepening of the voice, and increased facial hair growth. While taking steroids and supplements may have a positive short-term impact on muscle mass and athletic performance, the harmful side effects make steroids a bad alternative for gaining strength. A good diet and exercise program could be a far better way to boost performance and would also enhance health.