We spend as much time talking about allergy symptoms and allergy treatments that people often overlook the most fundamental question of all – that being what’s the reason for allergies? And in using the term, “cause” I don’t mean one of the great number of allergy triggers if they are environmental triggers like pollen, dust mites and pets or food allergens such as eggs or cow’s milk.


The trigger starts the procedure of this inflammation and swelling which we see in the allergy symptoms but isn’t responsible for the trend of the individual to respond in such a dramatic manner. Some of that trend is hereditary and some of it’s down to lifestyle. In pretty much every account of allergies we’re told that the cause of an allergy is down to one thing, so let us look at that today and we will begin with an intriguing question.

Is Your Immune System Really Broken? We’re advised by expert after expert that your system is mistaking your corn or your beef for an enemy; the immune system was fooled and your allergy is down to an error or malfunction. And that is exactly what I mean by using such a blunt question. Let’s ask some more questions. If my immune system gets such an easy task so very wrong why is my general health good? Surely if my immune system was so easily fooled I wouldn’t have the ability to fight off viruses and germs that I come across daily. And when my immune system is indeed reluctant why am I still living? Or Are You a Tad Leaky? Whether we’re leaky or not comes up mainly in talking food allergies and the entire complicated region of indigestion and food intolerance.

Gardez à l'esprit

School science tells us that proteins are broken down to their building blocks, called amino acids in the stomach and small intestine. That sounds simple and it’s but how come allergy is usually explained by saying that our immune system is battling food proteins? Where is the fight occurring? Because food proteins can’t get into the blood according to ordinary ideas. The protein ought to be digested before they get into the blood. But suppose you’re simply a little stuffy, not enough to wet the carpet, only a bit, then food proteins may be able to leak from the digestive system into the blood.

There the immune system will get these food particles and take care of them. What is at fault here isn’t the immune system – which is actually doing a lot more work than it should. The fault lies with the digestive system for not containing food particles adequately until they are sufficiently digested. And that’s called”Leaky gut”. Leaky gut is trivial and is easy to diagnose. You will find simple laboratory tests that are low cost and non invasive. It’s just as easy to heal, but that’s for another day.

Leaky gut syndrome

In my opinion “leaky gut syndrome” is the most important source of Food Allergy. Or Perhaps You Are Just Intoxicated? The term”toxin” means poison, so drunk means poisoned. This may not necessarily mean you’ll die. Whether or not we die when we take at a dose of a toxin is dependent upon how powerful the toxin is and just how much we take. Have you ever taken the LD 50? When testing how successful a chemical toxin is, doses are fed to laboratory animals. As the dose amount is raised the animals die.

The amount that kills half the animals is known as the LD 50, where LD stands for lethal dose. How About YOUR LD 50? If a one absorbs the LD 50 level of a poison they might die. Alcohol is an excellent example here and the term intoxicated is used to imply that someone has taken plenty of alcohol. If they consume over the LD 50 they have a reasonable prospect of surviving and if they do depends upon their liver. The big task of the liver is to catch the toxins it gets and to transform them into something else.


This is known as detoxification, often shortened to”detox” The term detox doesn’t mean anything related to street drugs and drunk doesn’t only mean,”drunk”. The liver needs to do something which sounds fairly magical – it’s to take poison and turn it into something secure. It requires enzymes to do this and it requires amino acids and nutrients. Like any great building worker it needs the perfect tools for your job. You might be suffering from several toxins in your blood flow from industrial exposure, street drugs or pharmaceutical drugs – all of which need to be detoxified your liver is fighting already.

And if we include allergens from food allergies or from other resources we increase the requirements on the liver. Like anything else it’s a limit and we might start to get allergy symptoms once the liver is functioning at full capacity dealing with a list of toxins listed above and contains little or no spare capacity. Removing any of these toxins would assist the liver deal with all its other tasks. Detoxification is a intricate detailed procedure for analyzing and assisting the liver and other organs of detoxification slowly remove toxins in the body.


Most references to “detox” are wide of the mark and show little actual grasp of the science involved. This isn’t rocket science but it is liver science and must be approached closely with all the correct tools and preparation. So what does cause allergy? The 3 theories here have some merit. The immune system is battling food particles and the reason it’s doing this is that allergy patients are somewhat leaky and poisonous. As opposed to simply saying that the immune system is to blame or is over reacting it seems wiser to repair the flow and do some detox. These two need a Naturopathic Physician for you to receive the most health benefits, but it can be achieved.