Since our natural health can’t be replaced, I think it’s sensible to have a look at common, everyday things we do that may compromise our health. I suppose I wish to increase our awareness of our surroundings, work location, home activities, and play time. There no reason to not enjoy a wholesome, fun filled life.

Prenez note

A few years back, I attended a female self defense class for older ladies.

  • Avoid breathing ANY aerosol sprays. These micro liquid drops deeply in the lungs and drag down the immune system. Hold your breathe out and spray your hair.
  • Look closely at anything that comes in contact with your skin. Your skin absorbs well and conveys it directly to your liver and blood flow; even your brain receives a dose of whatever you’ve touched.
  • Always take 1 Milk Thistle capsule and one Alpha Lipoic capsule 20 minutes before applying hair dye to your hair. These powerful antioxidants will protect your liver cells in the attack. Hair dye is an extremely toxic substance.
  • Change the filters in AC frequently for clean home air. Dust often to prevent concentrations of bacteria in your dwelling. Bacteria like to travel on dust particles. A clean home is a healthy home.
  • Clean your clothes dryer filter with every load. That filter captures a whole lot of nasty dander and dust mite residues. Heat up your pillow in the clothes dryer to kill dust mites at least one time per month. Dust mites leave droppings which could result in chronic asthma and allergies. If you can, try to avoid working under fluorescent lighting. Avoid looking directly at any halogen bulb. Move the halogen lamp away from the torso.

Que faire ?

  • Learn to frequently clean your keyboard, telephone, pencils, etc.. Especially if other individuals touch these surfaces.
  • Try not to share your mobile phone, lipstick, mascara, etc.. Never eat, or drink after others, except your partner or kids.
  • Spend as little time as possible in public restrooms; utilize paper on the door to depart and anyplace else others have touched. This is a really infectious environment, particularly for AIDS and hepatitis.
  • Always run your vehicle ventilation unit on re-circulation to prevent too much indoor pollution in your vehicle taxi from outside air. When you get to work, spend as little time at the parking garage where auto exhaust are especially concentrated.
  • If you’re sick, stay home. You do not need to infect other people and worse yet, pick up a worse disease because of your immune system being so weak.
  • Try to sit on your own and read quietly on trains to prevent close, crowded contact with ill men and women.
  • Unless you’re in a committed relationship, use a condom. 15 million people a year contract some kind of a sexually transmitted disease. Worse yet, science is emerging that links STD to disorders (cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis,) 20 years later on. When I say use a condom, I mean for everything. Even candida yeast infections are transmitted sexually.
  • Avoid anal sex altogether. It’s linked to bladder, prostate, and colon cancer, and of course an increased risk of getting AIDS. And we really do not know all the consequences of contracting parasites. Cancer research has been focusing on parasitic and fungal infections for quite a while.