Reading a report before the entire class can cause many under arms to perspiration. What happens to the body is that the mouth becomes dry, the face begins to heat up and flourish, and here comes the downpour. You may say that everyone sweats and it’s natural. Well, that is true; it’s natural for our body to sweat. However, it’s not normal once the body sweats too and this condition can affect an individual’s life dramatically. Yet a number of these people have learned how to treat excessive sweating.


These remedies are seen in your closets and in the shop. Taking a closer look at individuals with excessive perspiration, known as hyperhidrosis, can provide you another perspective of how life changing it can be. This condition can lead to depression in a person’s life. If a person sweats a great deal in the palms of the hands, guess how frequently their perspiration crosses their minds – daily.

You never know when you’ll be meeting someone new and what’s the first thing people do upon meeting each other? They shake hands. Job interviews have to be embarrassing; a individual with this condition needs to be good at taking off the attention introductions and they probably already have an excuse as to why their hands are”wet”.

Excessive Perspitation

Although excessive perspiration is embarrassing, we don’t want to prevent sweating altogether. Sweating is a natural process to cool down the body to a normal temperature. So as to treat excessive sweating, an individual has to determine why they’re sweating. Besides anxiety and anxiety causing excessive perspiration, the sympathetic nervous system is yet another factor.

The sympathetic nervous system function controls what we do in situations. For instance, in an emergency, what will you do,”fight” or”flight”? The sympathetic nervous system can be found in the sympathetic chain, which can be situated on each side of the spine. This links to the skin, organs and blood vessels.

Système immunitaire

When your body detects something like dairy, and it can’t tolerate it, the immune system will work hard to eliminate it. The sympathetic nervous system will be triggered because it finds the body is stressed and you’ll sweat. With hyperhidrosis however, the sympathetic nervous system is over active, even if your body isn’t doing anything. Food is only one cause for an overactive sympathetic nervous system.

Excessive perspiration and an overactive sympathetic nervous system may be brought on by reoccurring infections, neurological conditions and in such situations you want to be treated by a health professional. If you were examined and those medical conditions are ruled out, it is possible to look to cure excessive sweating the natural manners.