We take in a massive range of toxins out of our food, water and the atmosphere. Toxins are described as a poisonous substance produced by living organisms or cells. Toxins are almost always proteins which are capable of causing great harm in the body. Toxins invade the body and are usually stored in fat cells.


They’re a principal culprit in creating disease and a huge array of ailments. Doing a detox can go a very long way in developing a healthy and energized body. But, there are a whole lot of myths out there regarding detoxification. Do I need have to fast? No. A common myth is that detoxing involves starving yourself for days on end. Such detox diets are always based on dream rather than science.

A complete example of an unscientific detox is the ‘Lemonade Diet’. This detox craze involves consuming only homemade popcorn for up to 14 days and beyond! There’s simply no science to back up any claims that fasting helps the body neutralize in a safe or healthful way. Will I lose weight? Yes. A suitable detox system will need you to eat the most nutritious meals possible.

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By eating these foods, you’ll detox safely and lose weight. You can expect to lose between 3-7 pounds over a 7 day period. Besides weight loss, you’ll also decrease your cholesterol, blood pressure, boost your immune system, have a lot more energy etc.. In a nutshell, weight loss is only one of the terrific advantages from a healthy detox program. So, what do I eat while I detox? You wish to eat foods rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants that allow your body to flush out the toxins and pollutants that have accumulated over your lifetime.

To give your body the tools it needs to detoxify, cleanse and regenerate, a detox has to give the body more vitamins, minerals and nutrients than usual. Please, see the Detox System below. When detoxing, some folks experience what is called a ‘detox flu’ or ‘detox crisis’. As your body cleanses itself of toxins and pollution, some people experience headaches, nausea, cold-like symptoms (blocked nose, shivers etc), pimples and spots. These symptoms are mild and generally last for a brief while.


The best medicine is to drink a lot of fluids to help accelerate the toxin flushing procedure. If symptoms persist, however, you need to go see your physician. Can I keep exercising? Light exercise improves circulation that helps carry toxins from the body. Some types of exercise are beneficial to cleansing and detoxing, such as mild running, walking or rebounding – however you need to try to not put undue strain on your system during this time period. So, don’t do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise while detoxing.