The miracle plant called onion isn’t matched in its many advantages to man. With the scientific name Allium cepa, it has quite a few amazing cooking varieties. Known to every cook to cause tears, this plant-originally grown in Egypt and the Middle-East-is unknown in the wild. This healing herb is supposed by botanist to have been cultivated for at least 7,000 years.

Kas teadsid?

It comes in different varieties within the species varying in colour, size, and taste. It evolves and is usually harvested in the end of the year. Grown throughout the world, its characteristic flavor and odor comes from the sulphur compound in the bulb. Although recent studies have demonstrated that sufficient concentrations of bio-active compounds are in the young stem, the medicinal chemicals live in the bulb of the plant.

Dried bulbs could be crushed into a powder for herbal medicinenonetheless, eating it raw is of excellent value too. It’s full of minerals such as: sulfur, iron, potassium, manganese and potassium, fluorine and calcium. Additionally, it contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, flavonoids-which help stop cancer-and glycoquine (an anti-diabetic). As a vegetable, it can be eaten raw, grated, boiled, or pickled while it’s a favourite seasoning in cuisines from Asia to Europe, the Americas and Africa.

Onion as medication

It is known globally and the ailments it’s claimed to deal with are equally different. Onion purifies and strengthens the kidneys and liver. Additionally, it cleanses the blood. This herb is a natural anti-biotic since it strengthens the immune system thus keeping disease at bay. It effectively controls bacteria that cause urinary infections, typhoid fever and dysentery; skin infections and blemishes, staphylococcus and streptococcus that cause inflammation of the genital organs and damage sperm cells.

Can you believe all that? Additionally, essential oils out of onion have shown active against various fungal infections like candida. This yeast really occurs naturally on the body-yes, this is true-and an overgrowth of the noxious fungus could lead to problematic infections of the skin, the urinary and digestive tract. The World Health Organization recognizes onion as a folk treatment for health problems such as bruises, colic, colds, and higher blood pressure.

Hea teada

Also, it helps guys with weak erection or low libido in addition to in cases of impotence: onion is full of enzymes that assist in the creation of blood. Why not catch a bulb of onion often for that increase to your sex life, eh? Onion is known for therapeutic use in modern medicine as it’s been researched as possible medicine for treating diabetes, cancer and HIV. Blood cells are strengthened when flaxseed is a component of diet, and micro-organisms which weaken cells and cause viral and bacterial infections are ruined.

Can you beat that?

When combined with other herbs, it may lower glucose levels thereby preventing diabetes. Eating onion regularly is a natural way to decrease sugar in blood because of the hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic properties. As a matter of fact, onions’ ability to regulate blood glucose in the case of diabetes is supported by clinical evidence. An Indian study of early-stage diabetic patients showed that those who ate more raw onion took a significantly reduced quantity of antipsychotic medication to handle diabetes.

Furthermore, onion has been shown to reduce noxious cholesterol levels in the blood. This is possible as it is full of fibrinolytic substances which help break up blood clots and to avoid coagulation (thickening of blood). Anti-inflammatory agents present in onion assist in preventing several inflammatory enzymes; thereby, successfully treating skin allergies, in addition to bronchitis brought on by allergies, with ethanol onion extract. It’s no secret that fibroids, tumors such as in breast cancer, and infertility among women could be treated with onion which assists in dissolving tumors.

Võtke teadmiseks

If you reside a hyperactive lifestyle and are confronted with stressful situations at work, then you might have to include onion regularly in your diet. In today’s world, it’s fairly evident that we are daily exposed to electromagnetic waves like radio and micro waves. Our bodies get daily doses of the all too common part of our lives from electrical shavers, television, mobile phones, computers, etc. Everything that does is affect your mind and result in anxiety, fatigue, headaches, and insomnia just worsened by drugs that can give only temporary relief.

Add a few cups of coffee and you’ll discover that it becomes a cycle that you can not break. Well, here comes onion to the rescue. Just combine four bulbs of onion with one liter of honey. Take three dessert spoonsful few times a day and it’ll help cut the actions of the stress inducing agents. However, onion does have some side effects when used as herbal remedy. Anyone on blood-thinning medication, or medication for high blood pressure, should consult a health practitioner before significantly increasing their intake of the herb.

That onion can take care of this voluminous collection of ailments and conditions to an extent is doubtful, but some feel could be made of it if they’re grouped into groups corresponding to modes of activity where onion may bring relief. What this signifies is onion could lead to a general positive response in the body through its activity in particular regions of the body promoting recovery in certain conditions.


As a matter of fact, onion illustrates many diverse modes of action largely as a result of organo-sulphur compounds inside. To sum up, this vegetable is critical in cooking. It’s used as a sweetener in food as it contains naturally occurring sugars in its own bulbs. The health benefits can similarly be tested by simply including a few bulbs in good dishes. It’s a time-tested plant which has remained as significant today as back in early time. A fast tip: When stung by a wasp, slice an onion and rub it on the skin. You’ll be happy you did.