Many patients suffering from ulcerative colitis have been observed to have abnormalities of the immune system. However, it’s not known if these abnormalities are a cause or are a consequence of the sort of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease. Many physicians opine that in the event of ulcerative colitis the immune system reacts abnormally to bacteria found in the digestive tract resulting in an inflammatory and ulcerative condition.


Inflammation in the event of ulcerative colitis caused by an abnormally functioning immune system results in the formation of sores called ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum. These ulcers form in places where the epithelial cells lining the colon and anus are lysed as a result of inflammation. These dead cells then bleed and produce pus which in turn contributes to an infectious illness. Inflammation also raises the desire to clear the intestines thus causing bleeding diarrhea.

Since inflammation is a significant cause for ulceration in ulcerative colitis, the disease can also be termed as inflammatory bowel syndrome. If the inflammation occurs deeper inside the walls of the intestines and also happens in other areas of the digestive tract such as mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestines the identical condition is termed as Crohn’s disease.


Because of inflammation, patients may also suffer from other inflammatory conditions like arthritis, eye discomfort, liver diseases and osteoporosis. Although the precise reason as to why symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome occur outside the colon isn’t known, it’s postulated that inflammation caused by the immune system could be the overriding reason. Other causes of ulcerative colitis have been summarized as stressful lifestyles, psychological difficulties and allergies to certain kinds of foods. These three are also known to cause inflammatory conditions.

No wonder then that individuals afflicted by any one, two or all three of them are more inclined to suffer from Crohn’s disease. In consonance with the truth that ulcerative colitis seems to result from inflammatory reactions, its therapy also requires using anti inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators.


Being a systemic problem involving the immune system as opposed to simply the colon, there’s also an opportunity for contracting cancer if it’s left untreated. Therefore, timely treatment of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease is mandatory not only to relieve oneself of its excruciating symptoms but also to overcome the possibility of experiencing cancer.