So you’re going to launch a few vacay time on a different horizon. Good for you! But you know from experience the risks this can pose to your health. You remember that vacation as soon as your sinuses got more loaded then a turkey on Thanksgiving and your mind felt like a bowling ball which just finished a 300 point game by Kingpin!

Fangen wir an

First there is the public transportation filled with people touching everything. Then there is the food that you get offered in different locales which you aren’t certain if their definition of”new” meant still moving. And of course there are the terrific epidemics you hear about on the news from bird flus to Polio (did someone forget to say Marcio?). Well, set your fears, anxieties, and paranoia aside. We’re going to check off some preventative approaches you can assure your holiday has as little down time as possible. Why are we more likely to become sick while we travel? Your immune system is an awesome piece of work.


If it were a computer, it’d be like the Borg off Star Trek. It’s constantly learning. It”remembers” germs and viruses it has come across before and knows precisely how to fight them. However, once you’re going to new places, your immune system is almost certain to encounter some parasitic it’s never come up against. The battle that ensues can be fast and painless, or become a saga more dragged out afterward Lord of the Ring series.

Enough Rest – How much is enough? This one was heavily debated. I’ve heard naturalists say we ought to sleep from dusk to dawn. 5 (who is retired?). Then there are those who advocate a rigorous 7-8 hours. There’s 1 study by CDCP which some have used to infer that in the event you get 10 hours of sleep you are going to die earlier then somebody who gets 7 hours of sleep. And if you are getting 6 or not, there is just no hope for you. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, you will find the “deviants” who do polyphasic sleep patterns(sound like a calculus equation gone wrong?) Involving 2 hours each day and say they get along just fine.

Sound like politics yet?

Whichever group you fall into, there is really no simple answer for this one. The quantity of sleep you need should be based on what works best for you. However, one thing which you can agree on is the need for consistency. Back in my school days, I had been among those pupils who would attempt to cram as many credits in a semester as possible, work, maintain a social life, and participate in extra-curricular activities. So, typically, I’d forego studying and practice(Fortunately I was a excellent test-taker!) . One more thing I’d skip on were Zs.

I’d usually get by on about four hours each night. However, so long as I went to bed and woke up at precisely the exact same time, my body knew what to expect and could adjust accordingly. A few times I’d throw my sleep clock for a loop, and inevitably those were the times I’d usually get sick. So find your pattern and stick with it. Your body will thank you for it. If you have flight stress or are just too excited about your first time in another country, try relaxation methods. If all else fails, open up your college law books and, in a page or two, viola: deep space nine.

Schauen wir mal...

I’ll admit that me speaking about naps is like Brittany Spears trying to tell us she is human(you are fooling no one – we all know you are an android). Theory has it that they are good to do, but no longer than thirty minutes at a time(so napping during lecture period does have some science behind it) . Now here is the tricky part. You’re traveling half way across the planet and, for a week, you are certain to be throwing your sleep clock for a loop. What can you do? Prior to going to your flight out, try these steps.

Take the time you normally snooze and put in the time gap to it. Drinking water like a camel may be excessive. However, drinking a great deal of water will help your body eliminate toxins that, in turn, helps your immune system maintain peak function. Also, water behaves in the cells such as oil in machines. It keeps everything moving correctly. Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages (including juices). Your body attempts to eliminate alcohol in the bloodstream which results in resources being diverted from the immune system. Likewise, the carbonated beverages spike your blood sugars that can temporarily depress your immune system(sounds sad!.

So you are in a different country and trying out the cuisine. Your eating-out staple: beef, rare done. In your mind, you can get away with this because your body is already used to the bacteria commonly found there. Additionally, many restaurants follow the health codes, and your immune system has corrected accordingly. But in another nation, health standards aren’t created equal. So you order your steak just like you are used to, and in rolls overseas bacteria to dance to your immune system like two junior high schoolers for the first time in Sadie Hawkins: tragedy. So make sure to ask for your food, and I mean it all, to be cooked well done. It has to be heated to the point at which the bacteria are dead.

Bitte beachten Sie

So you are walking around the market corner and there, to your right, is a booth which has more colours than a New York suburb in late December. Each morsel of candy, earthly grown produce looking like wax decorations of neatly rowed perfection is just waiting for one to disturb the sequence. You practice the piece of local language you learned on the plane and, after a couple of efforts, manage to cope a bargaining blow of victory. But not so fast. That identical fruit will have local bacteria on it which will make your sweet success look like a bitter defeat.

However, if you peel your fruit, you’re still able to sweep off a win. The interior of the fruit has an immune system of it’s own that keeps germs at it’s surface. If the fruit has components which are going bad, make certain to cut out these as they might be prone to have germs. Don’t, and I repeat, don’t drink the tap water. Instead, buy bottled water that’s been purified with Reverse Osmosis(RO). Avoid ice. The ice is almost never filtered. The flight attendant has declared to be seated for the landing and, following the grueling hours you have shared together in that aluminum casing, everybody shares the exact same thought, “How do I get out ?” You mentally calculate the fastest way to grab all your belongings from the top compartment and create an exit before anybody else does. In your haste, your hands catches the head of the chair beside you for balance, that has been seized by travelers, all from various locales you then, no less than 20 times that flight. You rush out and figure out how to find resolve in taking second place as you exit the plane behind the victor. Trying to stay ahead of the masses, you move on at mach speed.

Was geschieht hier?

While walking down the flat escalator, your hand comes in contact with 10 more sets of germs from different locales. You make your way for the food court, order your meal, and touch your straw. In 1 sip you present 30 foreign germs sets into your body. In your stomping grounds, you can usually get away with the above. So, like you are mama taught you, let those ways glow. Was your hands frequently while traveling and especially prior to eating.

Eat Healthy! It’s two days before your flight out and you are scrambling to complete last minute preparations before you want to pack. Haircut: check. New costume: check. Laundry washed: check. Read this article: check. With all of your to-do lists, it just seems more convenient and time efficient to purchase some fast food on the way to the supermarket. Down it goes as quickly as it came out the drive-through window and you are off to another thing.

However, your body now must divert resources to digest this classic mixture of saturated fats and starchy carbohydrates. For the next several days as your body accomplishes this, it may offset your immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness during your vacation commute. Instead, be sure that you consume a minimally processed diet full of protein, some whole grains, and plenty of produce. This will be certain that you’re getting the natural nutrients that you need in the shape your body is made for absorbing them.

Erinnern Sie sich an

Keep your diet consistent particularly leading up to a flight out. Having a regular exercise regimen has many obvious benefits we won’t enter. However, among those benefits we’ll look at is the advantage that’s on your immune system. According to the National Institute of Health, nobody knows precisely why exercise makes the immune system more powerful (what a discovery!) . One theory holds that by employing the lungs during exercise can help to flush out the lungs of germs and air-born illnesses.

Additionally, it causes the blood vessels to circulate faster, meaning the blood cells that fight infections(white blood cells, antibodies, etc.) move faster and cover more ground. Last, exercise reduces stress hormones in the body which would otherwise inhibit the immune system. Have my own concept I’ll throw in the mix. Bacteria and other microbes have their location in breaking down dying and dead organic material. I think illness and disease comes into play when these microbes confuse your body for dying or dead organic material.


So exercise, good diet, and appropriate rest all help your body maintain it is ideal living condition, flush with oxygen and a strong immune system, leaving those germs to look else where for their own food. There’s my two cents. I know. I know. Some of you are raising your eyebrows. Well, hear me out. Garlic has been proven to have an antibacterial/antifungal compound released called allicin. It really is more powerful then antibiotics, but breaks down fast enough so it does not wipe out the good bacteria in your colon.

However, it ought to be fresh garlic(not dried or cooked ). So let’s say you ate your beef, did not wash your hands, or believed the portion of the fruit you ate could have had more germs then a college dorm room. You don’t have to fear. Carry with you or purchase a garlic clove. After paring it, chew it up fast and wash it down with some water(follow up with a mint – you will thank me later). The chewing will make it discharge allicin in your gut which will then wipe out any germs present there.


You can do the same with a red chili pepper(not advised!) As it will have a similar(although much less powerful) affect. Researchers have discovered that why many cultures that have had no access to refrigeration or sterile water have survived is due to garlic and other antibacterial foods within their diets. So I told you to eat healthier and now I will tell you to prevent all fresh veggies? Makes as much sense as a flat escalator. But really. While you’re on your vacation, avoid anything and salads with fresh vegetables. They’re more suspect to carry germs. Cooked vegetables are fine, however.