Петдесет процента от хората, които пътуват, страдат от заболявания, свързани с пътуването. Всички пътуващи трябва да са добре подготвени за пътуване и да са готови да се предпазят от заболявания, свързани с пътуването. В този брой са разгледани различни аспекти на болестите, свързани с пътуването, и свързаните с тях мерки за защита. Според аюрведа пътуването причинява витилация на вата доша. Вата доша модулира всички дейности на човешката анатомия, като храносмилане, дишане, отделяне, предаване на нервни импулси, рефлекси, движения на тялото и др. Когато вата се витализира поради пътуване, всички тези обичайни функции на човешката анатомия също се дисбалансират. Дисбаланси Дисбаланси в тялото...


The imbalances in body acts project themselves as travel associated illness. Almost every body are prone to motion sickness. Fatigue, giddiness, deprivation of sleep, nausea and vomiting are the major unwelcome signs of motion sickness. Avoid consuming alcohol, pain killers, hot foods, fried foods and junk foods during travel. Try to relax and chose a window seat.

Do not talk or read. Or watch somebody who’s motion sick. Include pomegranate, ginger and curds in your diet while traveling. Rinse your mouth and wash your face with cold water after you take your meals. Though travelers’ diarrhea is mild annoyance to a traveler, it might occasionally be life threatening too.

Digestive System

Upsets in digestive system often occur in travelers because of stress, time zone changes, irregular meal times and fresh foods. But severe diarrhea during traveling is brought on by bacteria, viruses or parasitic infections. The best way out is to take considerable precautionary measures. Wash your hands regularly. Use sanitizing liquids, hand washes or dyes which cleanse the hands . Always use disposable hygienically packed tissue newspapers than towels. Avoid street, roadside foods, buffet meals.

Select food that’s well cooked and served hot. Thick-skinned fruits that you can peel yourself are usually safe. Avoid raw or undercooked meat, fish, raw vegetables, salads. Be care full with unpasteurized milk and milk products. Always use sealed mineral water, canned juices and drinks. Never use ice cubes or unsealed bottled drinks. Bottled Beer, wine and hot coffee or tea are secure.

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Drink from original containers or wash glasses. If you become mild diarrhea eat light, soft and semi solid foods like idli, soups etc that are easily digestible. Avoid heavy, hot and non vegetarian foods. Drink loads of fruit juices (canned or hygienically packed). Keep yourself well hydrated. Consult a physician immediately if diarrhea contributes to dehydration. Drink loads of water and eat food that are full of fibers to prevent constipation.

Try to adhere to regular food timings. Drink a large glass of water per day morning. Avoid frequent use of coffee or tea. Taking two thriphala pills with warm water before going to bed helps to normalize bowel movements. These pills should be avoided during pregnancy. Even healthy people can get blood clots in their legs after long hours of travel. Try to walk every now and then.


Drink water, stretch your calf muscles while you’re sitting and wear support stockings. Massage your foot with small coconut oil and soak them in warm water. You may add few drops of lavender oil or peppermint oil or sandal wood oil to warm water. After a foot tub rub your foot. Relax after a foot bath. To avoid mosquito bites and malaria wear mosquito repellent .Stay indoors between dusk and dawn. The malaria spreading mosquitoes normally feed at this time. Apply mosquito repellent, to your clothes and bedding. Wear socks, long pants, and long-sleeve shirts when outside. Use a mosquito net when sleeping.

Stay in air-conditioned, screened accommodation. To avoid jet lag get loads of sleep before you leave. Don’t drink plenty of alcohol while on flight. Eat balanced meals and avoid over eating. Exercise as much as you can on your trip. Get used to a new time zone by going along with the local meal and bedtime schedules. Don’t drive in unfamiliar places where you know less about that regional terminology, road conditions, rules of the road, state of the vehicles.


Choose your transportation carefully. Check the safety, life saving facilities offered in the transport. Chose, the taxi with seat belts, resorts with fire escape and ferries with life preservers. Never swim in unknown seas or rivers when you’re not knowledgeable about sea waves and currents. Have a safe sex when you’re with unfamiliar new partners. Get immunized with vaccines prior to traveling. Avoid animal saliva and bites. If you’re bitten by dog wash the wound immediately with soap and water.

Travel during pregnancy: If you decided to travel during pregnancy the second trimester (weeks 14 to 27) is the ideal time. See your doctor for a checkup and discuss your fitness. See your dentist and ophthalmologist. Keep a spare pair of eyeglasses, any medicines you need in a small medical kit. Organize travel health insurance with preexisting illness cover if necessary. Make sure it covers emergency evacuation. Make sure regular immunizations are done before traveling. Consider your rear – use bag with built in wheels. Take clothing and hats to match the climate. Check with the regional office or via net the situation of places you’re planning to visit. The destination places have to be liberated of riots, terrorism, floods or other calamities. Preparations for travel lead to stress and tensions.

Relaxing Hints

Here are few relaxing hints before and during travel.

  •  Close your eyes, take five deep breaths through your nose and pay attention only to your breathing while doing so.
  • Taking a hot shower relaxes your muscles, and the break from more stressful activities helps also.
  • Laugh. Laughing helps to unwind. Find people who can make you laugh and make your minutes lighter.
  • Listen to relaxing music.
  • Take a walk.
  • Get a hug. A visit to a family doctor and some thought and planning ahead make your trip more memorable and successful. We wish you a rewarding, memorable, safe and healthy trip.