Has it ever happened to you that you might not be eating enough food? The typical American is under eating, which is due to regular dieting, fear of overeating, and busy schedules. This seems somewhat bizarre, thinking about the typical American is also obese.

Is there a correlation?

I believe there’s a direct correlation and there are different specialists and research that backs this up. When you under consume, your body does not get enough calories to fuel its energy requirements. To handle this imbalance your body needs to adapt by lowering your metabolic rate. It does this to endure what’s perceived as a food deficit, and if your body is in this state it also starts to hoard fat.

The more frequently your body is in a food deficit manner, the more your system expects future food shortages and becomes a fat storing system, making sure that when you do get sufficient food some of it gets stored as fat.

Do you feel that’s happened to you? Unfortunately, your system is quick to store fat, but loath to use it unless it encounters an protracted food shortage or famine (generally an intense diet). And the body is even faster to reconstruct its fat stores following the food deficit is over, if it’s required for an even longer famine. This is the reason frequent dieters have less success and more weight gain with every successive diet.

Добре е да знаете

I hear this all the time from those who don’t know why it was so simple to get rid of weight on a diet, and they can not seem to shed anything on a diet and are hitting their all-time high weight amounts. They feel like they are failing . They are not failing. The diet is failing them. Diets are among the most important causes of obesity; since they place the body into a starvation mode and finally accelerate fat-storing that’s tough to stop after the metabolic rate was lowered.

When you don’t eat enough food you might also experience fatigue, fatigue, lack of motivation, headaches, lack of concentration, irritability, or melancholy or moodiness. Food is fuel for the cells in our body, and the mind is very affected when it does not get enough carbohydrates – its only source of gas. So if you are not feeling that well, perhaps you are not eating enough food or enough carbohydrates balanced with protein and fat.

Знаете ли, че?

Many men and women who did the Atkins diet discovered that they did not think as clearly and obtained easily drained when on the diet, and that’s because they were not getting enough carbs – the body’s main source of fuel. If you did a low carb diet, did you observe any change on your moods, concentration or energy levels? Another indicator that you may not be getting sufficient food is if you have been ill a lot, become prone to accidents or stress fractures, or even missed menstrual cycles.

Again, food is what fuels our cells also provides us the minerals and vitamins we will need to stay healthy. When we do not get enough, it impacts our inner functions, immune system and even bone density, since the body will begin to break down muscle, tissue and bone to have any fuel that’s stored in these areas to endure. There’s a reason food is known as fuel or energy, and that’s because every cell in our body needs that fuel as energy to work properly.

We’re an remarkable physical machine which burns off energy effectively to keep us both living and healthy. But when we do not give our body sufficient fuel, it does not function also. One of the things which could occur when you deprive yourself of food is an uncontrollable desire to overeat. This is known as the deprivation backlash and it can drive you to eat more than you want or need. What’s interesting is most individuals are driven to overeat carbs when they do not eat enough, and it really makes sense. When you don’t get enough food, you’ve got both a physical and psychological reaction.


Physically, the body becomes desperate for more fuel and carbohydrates (especially simple carbohydrates ) is the quickest way to get this, and emotionally, if you have been deprived of carbohydrates you’ll become more obsessed with them. When was the last time you experienced this? So this week listen to whether you’re getting enough to eat. Notice if you’re skipping meals and then overeating later, or if you’re in a diet mentality and restricting how much you feed yourself. It’s ideal to eat when you’re hungry and stop before you’re full, allowing your body indicate you on how much is enough. Try listening to your hunger signals to regulate how much food is ideal for you.