Why the Itchy Penis? Things are going along fine for a man and then abruptly – WHAM! He attempts ignoring it, but if an itchy penis needs attention, there is little choice but to give in and scratch – and expect that beautiful lady at the end of the pub doesn’t detect his surreptitious hand moves.

Penis health

At this time the man is asking why he has not been paying closer attention to his penis health. And perhaps he should have; occasionally an itchy penis happens for a certain penis health problem, and frequently it’s the condition commonly referred to as thrush. Most men have known of thrush, but few understand what it is – besides a real annoyance. In actuality, thrush is a yeast infection (known medically as candidiasis).

Finding out this often surprises a person. Yeast infections are well called a”woman’s problem,” so many dudes are shocked to learn that their manhood is now a breeding ground for yeast. Candida, the yeast fungus that causes thrush, is really very common. Our bodies contain a few candida, which at the appropriate amounts and appropriate locations is in fact beneficial. But the penis isn’t among the places where it’s welcome.

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When it does situate itself and begins to distribute, it triggers a rash-like situation that, along with looking kind of uninviting, is an itch-fest just waiting to happen. And, fair warning: thrush does not always restrict itself to the penis. It may pop up elsewhere on the body, such as in the mouth and on the tongue. Often, thrush pops up and generates an itchy penis situation since it had been passed on from a spouse. But, thinking about the incidence of female yeast infections, this will not occur as frequently as could be expected.

Why isn’t known, but men can be thankful for this truth, or else they would be thrush-filled much more frequently. So if it is not coming from a spouse, where’s it coming from? Sloppy hygiene. Sometimes a man has no one but himself to blame for his thrush. A fungus like candida is always shopping around for a moist, warm place to call home – and if it is a bit dirty, so much the better.

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So men who don’t wash the manhood satisfactorily or who allow the cellar to get too sweaty and aromatic are establishing a”for lease” sign that candida just can not ignore. Antibiotics. They’re amazing for fighting many sorts of stubborn infections, but antibiotics can sometimes set the point of a predator that is parasitic. The drugs kill off both harmful and useful bacteria – and the existence of the helpful bacteria is a deterrent to the thrush fungus.


Men with diabetes are more likely to pull thrush than men without. Essentiallythis is because the urine of a diabetic man will be “sugary.” When he urinates, droplets left on the penis dry and leave behind the sugar and the candida fungus has a sweet tooth. Immune system issue. A compromised immune system, whether chronic or acute, negatively impacts the body’s ability to keep candida in check. Unchecked, it multiplies and reaches the point where it becomes a nuisance.


Men whose itchy penis is supposed to thrush need to maintain their members clean and good. Regularly employing a high drawer penis health crème after washing can help. Keeping the penis skin healthy may also discourage thrush from establishing a beachhead, so find a crème with a high-end emollient (believe Shea butter) and an effective hydrator (believe vitamin E), which collectively can prevent the skin from developing cracks and stains. The crème should also have vitamin A, the antibacterial properties of which could also create the penis more inhospitable to the uterus. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is a continuing contributing writer to many online web sites.