Spontaneous healing was seen by many medical doctors who have observed or heard about at least one individual with a supposed terminal illness like cancer, and that miraculously recovered. This implies illness can only be treated with external agents like pills, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and a slew of other medicines.


This a restricted view of illness and other inputs will need to be factored into the equation. Illness and the immune system have to be viewed in the context our entire self. Our thoughts and our body aren’t different, but interwoven and work together and affect each other. The mind isn’t separate from the body and our moods and character have a significant effect on the healing process.

We have all heard stories of those who perished, because they just lost the will to live. It’s thus evident that if we have a will to live, our likelihood of recovery from any illness will improve radically. Improving our diet, our general health and our immune system contributes to the healing process and enhances and impacts on our odds of recovery.


The process of recovery is unique for everybody and no two people are exactly alike what works for one person may well not work for another. You have to use the techniques that are ideal for you. To optimize your body’s ability to heal, you need to know yourself and build your recovery plan around self awareness. Our body has great capacity to heal itself. Thousands of instances of’spontaneous’ recovery from severe life-threatening disease have been recorded and a few men and women that”should” die did not.

The ability of some people having the ability to endure can be put down to spontaneous recovery and the effect of the entire self body and mind to unite and fight and overcome insurmountable odds. With the renewed interest in the connection between self and illness, many physicians and scientists have begun to study spontaneous recovery from untreatable’ailments.

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By doing this they hope to use this knowledge so that it can be used to assist the healing process in others.

  • They have a strong belief in their body’s ability to heal regardless of occasionally confronting insurmountable odds.
  • They assume responsibility for their wellness and recovery and do not necessarily belief everything the experts are telling them. Some are told that they are certain to die but they refused to accept their destiny.
  • Many folks experience a’spiritual transformation’ – and discover the joy to want to live more than ever before this re-awakening brings new meaning to their lives. Once spontaneous recovery has occurred, they reflect on their illness as a blessing that altered their disposition personality and outlook.
  • People who have undergone spontaneous recovery generally have better more meaningful connections with others.
  • People who experience spontaneous recovery often reassess their lives, making quite significant changes to their diet, lifestyle, goals and ambitions which makes them feel better and derive more from life.
  • You are what you eat and several folks who regain ditch the junk food and poor diet indefinitely, moving towards a healthier diet and lifestyle.
  • People who have experienced spontaneous recovery enjoy life more; perhaps only those who’ve been near death can truly enjoy the gift of life.