Many people around the world suffer from the skin condition known as psoriasis. The factors for psoriasis flare-ups tend to be misunderstood, which means that many eczema sufferers don’t know how to manage their condition effectively. It’s of great importance to understand which factors are the typical culprits that leads to flare-ups and what role the immune system plays in the entire procedure.


Here you’ll see some of the fundamental truth about eczema to give you a deeper understanding about your own condition and therefore manage it better. The reason there isn’t any cure for psoriasis is because the specific cause of this is unknown. What is known, however, is what happens in the body when it manifests and this has everything to do with your immune system.

In your surroundings there are particular things to which your immune system overreacts to, and this response is what brings on the normal symptoms of eczema: severe itching, redness, swelling and forming of a rash and weepy lesions.

Was ist zu tun?

To control your eczema you will need to know your trigger factors are. One can roughly divide the cause factors of psoriasis into four classes: contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, stress and climate. As the name implies, this sort of dermatitis is brought on by physical contact between a specific substance and the epidermis. Hence the expression contact dermatitis means dermatitis because of contact with a specific substance.

An allergic reaction happens straight after contact has been made and this typically elicits an eczema flare-up. Most irritants of the skin are often common household products such as soaps, soaps, perfumes, deodorants, cosmetics, animal hair etc.. Scratchy and round woven fabrics may also trigger eczema. Allergies are called atopic once you show an allergic reaction immediately after you’re exposed to something which you’re allergic to. This sort of allergy is generally to certain foods, pollen, dust, animal dander, mould etc.. Once you have an allergic reaction to one of them, your immune system overreacts and triggers all of the tell tale symptoms of eczema to attest; extreme itching, redness and swelling of the lesions.

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For many eczema sufferers, dry skin is enemy number one. In very cold and dry weather, particularly in winter, the skin becomes dried out that induces a flare-up. Weather changes that happen suddenly may also result in eczema. This is one of the greatest cause of eczema and the perpetuation and annoyance of eczema. Anger, frustration, anxiety; these are the type of feelings which causes and aggravates eczema.

The natural solution would obviously be to identify and remove (or control) the stress factors in your life. So in brief, these are the chief causes of eczema. They’re categorised roughly into the four classes above to help you identify the resources of your trigger factors. It’s important to not forget that eczema triggers differ from 1 individual to another, so in order to effectively control your eczema you will need to know what your triggers are and handle them accordingly. One can explore this subject in much further detail but this report should equip you with the essential basics to handle your eczema successfully.