The human body is a complex organism with the capacity to heal itself if only we would listen to it and react with good care and nourishment. To do this we will need to understand there are specialized foods, nutritional supplements and nutrients for certain regions of our body. Although the body works in complete synergy throughout, certain systems within our body need specific nutritional requirements.

The Immune System

This isn’t a construction per se, but instead a system of complex interactions between the organs, cells, hormones, compounds, including, white cells, antibodies, lymphatic system and glands. Another example of the intricate elements of the immune system is that the lymph vessels that includes the spleen, the thymus, the tonsils and the lymph nodes and fluids which circulate throughout the body. It’s the total of the body’s defense functions. Because the immune processes are a part of each cell, they affect all the systems of the body. A healthy immune system is crucial for good health. Its objective is to defend and properly identify and remove metabolic waste, cell mutations and allergens. The body’s resistance to viruses, bacteria, allergies, etc. could be improved by antioxidant vitamins and mineral supplements. Energy can be promoted with powerful herbals and green foods.

The Circulatory System

It includes the heart, the blood and blood vessels. This system covers the whole of the body because it transports oxygen and nutrients to each parts and carries away harmful agents. This system is a corporate community of some sixty thousand miles of blood vessels. Proper upkeep of our circulatory system is to provide it pure water, regular exercise, good supplements and supplement support. Stress management is also critical, as it is for all of the branches of the human body. Imbalances in this system may impact the rest of the systems, especially the nervous, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.

The Digestive System

It includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and small and large intestines. Here, the food is broken down beginning in the mouth by chemical and physical changes so as to be absorbed through the digestive system to the bloodstream. The digestive compounds that cause the breakdown of these foods are known as “enzymes”. Further processing proceeds to happen in the small and large intestine. Any imbalances in this system will affect nutrient absorption and other body systems. For instance, in the circulatory system this may cause toxins to be absorbed into the blood and harmful stagnation from the removal area. Nutrient rich foods such as fruits and veggies are important here.

The Intestinal System

It has been known as the body’s waste disposal plant. It’s part of the digestive tract and contains the small and large intestines and the anus. In the gut, vital nutrients are absorbed in the blood. In the large intestine, water is absorbed from the digestive tract that’s subsequently eliminated from the body. The efficacy of this system results from great muscle tone, a healthy bacterial environment and adequate amounts of fiber to give bulk to the stool. Here too, imbalances will impact all other systems. The outcome will be a general decline in health resulting from the build-up of toxins and wastes. Some of the common concerns might be constipation, diarrhea, colitis, crohn’s disease, etc.. Herbalists traditionally begin a health improvement program using a cleanup of the digestive system prior to moving on to other locations, to be able to remove these build-ups of toxin and waste.

The Nervous System

It comprised of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system includes the spinal cord, the brain, the endocrine and sensory nervous system, such as the eyes, ears, nose and tongue. Here also, imbalances can affect the rest of the systems and interfere with our reaction to the outside environment which could cause us to react negatively toward anxiety variables. An unhealthy nervous system will lead to nervousness, anxiety disorders and other acute and chronic stress and damage that will affect the organic fight-or-flight reactions to emergency situations.

The Respiratory System

It is composed of airways, respiratory muscles, the lungs, the trachea, the throat, mouth and sinuses. Its purpose is to breath oxygen to the bloodstream, and snare and expel airborne toxins. Imbalances of the respiratory system may impact the immune, nervous and circulatory systems. Diseases that interfere with normal breathing may interrupt carbon dioxide levels which in turn can impact different lungs and pulmonary issues. Herbal remedies and vitamins are traditional in assisting to construct its function.

The Urinary System

It is composed of the kidneys, bladder, ureter and urethra tubes. Its job is to maintain a suitable fluid, salt and water balance in the body. It filters toxins from the blood and eliminate them through urine. Imbalances in the urinary system frequently impact the glandular and circulatory system, the reproductive organs, adrenal glands and major blood vessels. Here too herbal remedies and vitamins have played a traditional role in improving and curing urinary diseases.

The Glandular System

It is made up of the hormone producing organs which communicate and modulates basic drives and emotions involving the thyroid gland, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, etc.. These glands perform a great number of regulatory functions, including temperature control and metabolic rate. Here, foods full of minerals and trace minerals together with a well balanced diet provides the best source of support.

The Structural System

It contains the bones, cartilage, fibrous connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons, joints and muscles, teeth, Its role is to supply the body with frame and form, and provide the ability to work and move. Calcium, among the most abundant minerals in the body, is used constantly to replace old bone tissue. Imbalances in the structural system frequently affect the nervous, circulatory and urinary systems. Also included in this system are the skin, hair and nails that are supported nutritionally from the interior and are cleansed from the outside to be able to keep the body clean of toxins and to keep good health. Skin, the largest organ of the body, protects the body from the external environment and functions as a cooling system.


All foods and supplements full of energy generating fuel such as carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals powerful in bone supports are crucial. The idea isn’t to know everything about these systems, but to understand that each deals with technical jobs and functions. Therefore each system needs certain foods and nutrients that target their unique tasks and purposes.