Shingles is a viral disease that only affects individuals who suffered from chickenpox. This is because the varicella zoster virus never abandons your body, so the virus remains dormant and when you’ve got a weakened immune system it reactivates and manifests as a shingles outbreak.

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I’m guessing that if you’re reading this article you already know what shingles is and that there isn’t really a cure for this. Doctors usually prescribe painkillers, creams, antivirals, antibiotics, antidepressants, anesthetics, anticonvulsants and opioids. And this is merely to take care of the symptoms. Many of these medications weaken your immune system even more, and as you already know that the herpes virus just thrives in a vulnerable organism.

So in this guide we will go through five holistic and amazing shingles remedies which won’t just give you relief, but will strengthen your whole system and help you combat this debilitating ailment NATURALLY.


If the herpes zoster usually affects people with weakened immune systems that the first logical thing to do is give your body a hand in fostering your defenses. Lysine is an essential amino acid which functions as a herpes inhibitor. You will find it in red meats, eggs, fish, milk, yogurt, cheese, pears, pineapples and asparagus. It would be sensible to eat a good deal of these and also have a lysine supplement.

During the shingles outbreak you should avoid eating peanuts, chocolate, all sorts of sugars and cashews since they’re high sources of arginine. This material works as a stimulator so for now steer clear of these foods. High levels of Vitamin C have been shown to be effective against this virus so have a Vitamin C supplement four times per day.

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With lysine and Vitamin C you will begin boosting your immune system and feeling better. Now, we will go through other four holistic remedies which will provide you relief. The benefits of this herb proceed beyond its calming effects and aromatherapy. All the plant, including the flower, leaves and branches can be used for medicinal purposes.

Lemon balm is from the mint family and produces a sedative effect within the central nervous system. It’s used for treating stomach ailments, fever, sleeplessness, nausea, nausea, flu, bronchial inflammation, high blood pressure and PMS syndrome. And for this same reason, it is frequently used to treat herpes peacefully since it alleviates pain. Many studies suggest that lemon balm has antiviral properties.

They found this herb prevents the virus to attach to fresh cells. This implies that by taking this tea the herpes virus won’t flourish and will endure for a short while in your entire body. Lemon balm is a terrific remedy from nature as you can use it as sedative to relax and relief pain but also as an antiviral. Place two handfuls of lemon balm leaves in four cups of water and simmer for twenty minutes. Then allow the extract cool down and soak as many cotton balls as you will need to cover the affected area. You can do this each time you feel uncomfortable or in pain.

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Now, to hasten the healing process drink at least four cups of lemon balm tea daily. For quite a while apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy, which is for a very good reason. It assists in conditions from fungus to diabetes, and it has so many other advantages that I could write an entire book naming them.

You can use apple cider vinegar in three ways of treating shingles, check them out.

  • Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and drink it three times a day. This will alleviate the pain promptly.
  • Soak cotton balls in apple cider vinegar and apply to the affected area for thirty minutes. Also do this 3 times daily, and the itchiness is going to be gone. It prevents the rash from spreading and dries the wounds quicker.
  • Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath. Just do not use hot water, lukewarm is greatest. If you could do it at night, it would be great, so you don’t have to cover the area of your body where the rash is. Just let it dry and breathe naturally.

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Olive leaves have a glucoside called oleuropein, enzymes and a number of other substances that are critical for the human body. They have astringent, antiseptic and diuretic properties, but its antiviral characteristics are so strong that can help you fight many ailments. People with AIDS have used powerful doses of the leaf, and the results have been fantastic. The secret of this is to make a strong tea. It may have a bitter flavor, but it is totally worth it so do not let this dissuade you. Add three tablespoons of olive leaves to two cups of boiling water. Lower the heat and boil another fifteen minutes. Strain and drink.

You may take this hot or cold, whatever you want. Add some honey in the event the taste is too bitter or too powerful for you and drink three or more cups a day. You could even take olive oil nutritional supplements with the Vitamin C and lysine. Licorice is a root which has many programs related to wellness, and its usage has many advantages. It’s widely used for stomach difficulties, constipation and respiratory ailments.

But ginger also has a powerful antiviral action, and because of this it is included in this list. Boil two cups of water and add two sticks of licorice. Let the extract cool down and then soak a cotton ball and cover the blisters. This alleviates pain immediately and accelerates the recovery process. Do this at least two times each day. Licorice extract is also amazing for men and women that suffer with postherpetic neuralgia. You just use the liquid over the region in pain two to three times per day. These are extremely powerful ways to manage this ailment at home naturally. Shingles is a painful and aggressive disease, but there are a lot of things you can do to feel better. The holistic approach do not only works, it is your very best option.