Allergy is a condition in which the body tends to respond as a result of hypersensitivity to some substance like food, drugs, beverages, pollution, flowers, and many others. An allergen can be anything under the sun which may cause a reaction in your body if the body disagrees with that substance.

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Even a frequent thing like sunlight and atmosphere might cause irreparable reactions in certain if the skin is vulnerable to allergies as a result of same. Food allergy occurs when the body doesn’t respond in the right way to certain food items. Due to this the body will release antibodies to combat that food rather than accepting the same like other foods. Although the food in itself may not be bad for the body the exact same can prove to be harmful when the antibodies are released to combat the same. These anti bodies, one of which is histamine, would lead to allergic symptoms causing all kinds of reactions within the body for no apparent cause.


These affect the immune system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, skin and digestive tract. They can be quite severe in some specific cases and prove fatal to the person suffering from the same. Most people are allergic to peanuts, nuts generally. Peanuts cause the most severe and deadly reaction causing the death of the person if not treated immediately. All the individuals experiencing this allergic reaction needs to make sure of each ingredient in the dishes before trying the same as even the tiniest morsel can prove to be poisonous.

Milk based products, chocolate, even breast milk may cause allergic reaction in several people. Eggs, seafood like jellyfish, shellfish, prawns, and fish etc., fish can cause severe reactions in certain individuals. The most bland food items like wheat, rice, soy may prove to be deadly for some individuals. One of best ways to prevent these allergic reactions is to avoid all of the food things causing the adverse reactions.


To understand what trigger reactions, allergy tests can be obtained at regular intervals. Avoidance of certain food items can help prevent these responses completely generally. Also keeping the medication available at case an accident occurs might be a great idea to prevent panicking. When purchasing processed products, read the components present on the tag before adding the item to the cart. Even a little neglect can occasionally lead to getting hospitalized because of severe reactions. Recipes that don’t include eggs or milk or even rice, soy, wheat etc., are available online and can be made use of by people allergic to these. As a popular saying goes – prevention is far better than cure. It’s much better to avoid certain foods than gratify and suffer the consequences in the future. Being a bit cautious can cause a healthy and happy lifestyle.